Welcome to the COE Student Success Center!
COE SSC Mission
Welcome to the Student Success Center for College of Education students! Our vision is to provide a nurturing space that immediately engages students in an experience that positively impacts their well-being, self-efficacy, and identity as college students. Through a holistic approach that frames academic preparation, the Student Success Center Team is facilitating the journey of persistence towards and fulfillment of students’ goals.
When a College of Education student walks into the Student Success Center, the student can expect:
A Culture of Care: We believe that we have a shared responsibility for providing a welcoming and nurturing environment for all who enter our doors and a warm hand-off when we aren’t the answer.
Information: We believe that no one should leave the Center without knowledge and next steps, particularly if it is beyond our capacity or control.
- Programmatic – We provide information for undergraduate (Liberal Studies) and graduate (credential/MA) programs
- Resources – We provide access and referrals to on-campus university resources and when possible, off campus community resources that support students affective, behavioral, and cognitive needs
Specialized Advising: We believe that each student deserves specialized advising based on their academic program from the experts that know the pathway best. The Center focuses all advising on the undergraduate major – Liberal Studies
- Referrals to credential and master’s program faculty are made by Student Success Center Team members.
Career Coaching: We believe that the transition from program completion to career is critical to achieving the end goal for students. Our graduation specialist and career coach are focused on ensuring students know their options.
Wellness: We believe that students physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is key to their sense of belongingness, persistence, academic performance, personal development, and degree completion. Our retention specialist and care manager strive to meet these needs to promote student success.
Scheduling An Appointment
Scheduling can be done through the student center/portal by selecting Toro Success Collaborative or through the online handbook (LBS e-resource) webpage.
Contact Us
Location: COE 1401 | Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm |
Phone: (310) 243-2276 | |
Email: coe_success@ehulk.net | Instagram: coe_success |